Friday 8 February 2019

What is haematoxylin?

  • Derived from the wood Haematoxylum campechianum.
  • It means bloodwood  - refers to the dark red colour (Haemato -  blood, xylon- wood)

  • Campechianum  refers to the coastal city of Campeche on the Yucatan Peninsula, the locality of the heart wood.
Pic: Google

If Haematoxylum is red, how is haematoxylin blue?

  • Haematoxylin has little or no staining capacity.
  • Haematoxylin is oxidised to haematein which gives the blue colour.
  • Oxidation - two methods - 1. Natural 2. Chemical
Haematoxylin versus Haematein:

If hematein is the dye and haematoxylin needs to be oxidised before it can stain, why not use hematein in the first place?
  • If we start with hematein, oxidation will start to diminish the staining capacity right from the start, shortening the working life of the solution ☺☺

1 comment:

  1. If Haematoxylum is red, how is haematoxylin blue? .. i never really thought of this. Thanks for the post


Quiz 2 - Cervical Cytology part 2
